How to Remotely Rename a Computer On the Same Domain Using PowerShell

Apr 30, 2019 0 comments


The system you are using to administer and run the PowerShell command remotely must have the Remote Server Administration Tools installed on the system. The following steps will also show you how to install and enable these features.

1) For Windows 10, download the Remote Server Administration Tools from (I downloaded the file named “WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu”)

2) Install the KB update (Windows 10 will enable all of the features automatically. Windows 7 and below you’ll have to enable them manually.)

3) Now that you have the AD Tool installed and ready for PowerShell to take full advantage of it, all you have to do is run the following command to rename the remote system.

"Rename-computer –computername “computer” –newname “newcomputername” –domaincredential domain\user –force –restart"

4) The command will change the local name of the remote system and will change the name in Active Directory. Make sure no one is using the remote system when you run the command because it will restart.

5) You are done.

PowerShell is an extremely powerful tool and benefits System Administrators in many ways. Simple tasks such as this one may not sound like PowerShell is needed, but when you need to rename 10s, 100s, or even 1000s or computers, you will be very happy PowerShell exists.


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